Gopher State Rec Baseball
Gopher State Rec League (formerly NorthStar) is a recreation based league that does not hold tryouts. All players registered will placed on a team, in addition if you tryout for traveling (12U and up) but do not make a team you will have the option of playing Gopher State Rec League.
Gopher State teams are formed for players age 12-15 (6th-9th Grade). 12 and 13 years old players will be placed together and 14 and 15 years old will be placed together on teams.
The games will begin in the middle of May with practices starting around end of April, early May. The season will typically end around the end of July
Practices and homes games are held at Kulenkamp Park, Fenway or Forest Lake Area Middle School.
Road games will be held at a variety of sites around the metro, usually north metro.
Practices are usually 1-2 times per week. Coaches are given guidelines to have no more than 3 events(games/practices) per week.
Teams play a 14-16 game schedule.
In Gopher State Rec League, tournament play is up to the discretion of the parents and coaches. Tournaments fees would be covered by the parents/coaches and are not of your registration fees.
FLBA provides a jersey and a FL hat. Gray pants must be purchased by the player/parents.
Players may request a jersey number but FLBA does not guarantee that request.
Extra Costs
As noted above, if your team decides to participate in a tournament these fees are the responsibility of the team to cover.
Tournaments generally cost any from 300-500 per team and this would be split amongst those participating.
2025 Gopher State Rec League
Registration for NorthStar Recreation League Baseball. NorthStar baseball does not have tryouts and all players will be placed on a team based on their grade/age.